Order those yard signs early!

Order those yard signs early!

Order those yard signs early!

Reserve signs for your favorite candidates and help us organize for the fall

With the 2024 ticket now set, the early work is underway. Help us identify signage needs early by requesting the signs of your favorite contested candidates—from president to local judges.

Take a moment to review our order form (only contested races shown) and consider a “Take 3” approach for your yard with one for Biden, one for Sherrod Brown and one for a favorite down ballot candidate. Of course, you can request a sign for every candidate if your yard is large enough.

As we gather requests, we ask that you please consider making a $5 contribution for each Biden and Sherrod Brown sign. This early investment will allow us to place an order early and avoid delays that occur closer to the election. When completing the form, you’ll be redirected to the contribution page for our yard sign drive. All funds will be used to purchase signs, so additional contributions are appreciated.

In the News

Chagrin Gateway Dems Shatter Petition Event Goal in 45 Minutes

Chagrin Gateway Dems Shatter Petition Event Goal in 45 Minutes

Chagrin Gateway Dems Shatter Petition Event Goal in 45 Minutes

Organization Beats Goal of 35 Signatures..by 415!

The Chagrin Gateway Democrats—a collection of progressive activists from Chagrin Falls, Orange, Pepper Pike, Moreland Hills, Bentleyville, Woodmere and Hunting Valley launched a weekend petition gathering effort  in support of the effort to amend the Ohio Constitution to protect reproductive health care rights. The drive, in Pepper Pike on Saturday, April 8, launched with a goal of collecting 35 signatures at a drive-up petition station. It ended with the club securing 450 signatures.

The turnout pushed the club nearly halfway to their goal of 1,030 signatures by June 30. To make the ballot this year, state organizers must submit a minimum of 412,591 valid voter signatures by July 5.

In the News

Reproductive Rights Petition Drive Underway

Reproductive Rights Petition Drive Underway

Reproductive Rights Petition Drive Underway

Reproductive Rights Petition Drive Underway

In Ohio, a coalition of women’s rights advocates, health care professionals, and community leaders have been working hard to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would protect reproductive health care rights for women. 

The proposed amendment would give Ohio women the right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health care, including the right to access contraception and abortion services. It would also prohibit any state or local laws that restrict or infringe upon these rights.

However, the coalition has faced opposition from anti-choice groups, who are trying to prevent the amendment from reaching the ballot. To ensure that Ohio women have access to the reproductive health care they need, it’s important to take action to support this initiative.

If you’re an Ohio resident, you can help by signing the petition to get the amendment on the ballot. The coalition needs to gather over 400,000 signatures to qualify, so every signature counts. You can also spread the word about the amendment to your friends and family and encourage them to sign the petition as well.

Of course, another way to help is to volunteer your time and skills. The Chagrin Gateway Democrats are always in need of volunteers to help with various tasks, such as collecting signatures, organizing petition stations and distributing information about the amendment. You can contact us at info@chagringatewaydems.com to find out how you can get involved.

Protecting reproductive health care rights for women in Ohio is an important issue that requires the support and action of every coalition possible. By signing the petition, volunteering, and relentlessly spreading the word, we can all make a difference in ensuring that Ohio women have access to the health care they need and the freedom to make their own decisions about their bodies.


Helpful Talking Points

“We need to protect our right to make informed decisions about our health care with our doctor, and without government intervention.”

“It’s about taking decisions about reproductive care out of the hands of lawyers and politicians and putting them back into the hands of women and their physicians.”

“It’s about making it clear that physicians can save the lives of women who are at risk because of a pregnancy.”

“The ballot language acknowledges governments may prohibit abortion after fetal viability. It also says that women and their physicians can take action if the pregnancy jeopardizes the woman’s life.”
“It’s about keeping the government out of private, personal, family decisions.”
“It’s about ensuring individual freedom and the ability to make decisions without interference from the government.”

“It’s about removing harmful regulations that prevent doctors from treating patients and giving them the best possible care.”

“States with strict anti abortion laws are losing OBGYN doctors.  Colleges in those states will see a decline in people applying to those institutions.   Parents will see their children leave the state to start their lives in a friendlier environment.”

“The wording on the initiative is approved by Ohio Attorney General David Yost.”

In the News

Georgia Action Project

Georgia Action Project

Georgia Action Project

It’s Time to Fill the Gap in the Senate!

Georgia Action Project

The morning the networks called the race, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris secured their place in history, our mighty club called on you to keep fighting and help us flip two close U.S. Senate seats in Georgia—two seats that would give the Democrats control of both chambers of Congress on Inauguration Day.

Within hours, over 60 of you signed up to participate! (Sign up to Fight for Georgia!)

In the next few days, we’ll be announcing the first of several organized efforts to assist Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock as they take on incumbent Republicans David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler respectively. 

Our club is going to help carry these two Senate races on January 5th! We’ve been working to connect with friends on the ground in Georgia in an effort to adopt a block of “sister cities” that we can work with to help drive turnout for this unique January election. We’re working on a plan with one community and are in the process of securing another.

Details will be forthcoming later this week, but our work will include postcard writing (and yes, the Zoom postcard nights will be back!), phone calls, text messaging, and any other creative vehicle we can build to help turn out the vote in Georgia and give President-elect Biden the majority he needs to turn the country around.

While we will be working to organize with maximum impact—as a team with a specific focus—we are also encouraging you to get involved individually in a variety of other ways. Here are a few to consider…

Sign up to volunteer at the campaigns of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. The campaigns are especially looking for phone bankers.

Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action group is doing phone banks and texting banks frequently. Follow them on Facebook here or bookmark this page which will update as events are added.

There are also several organizations coordinating postcards. We have contacted them to determine postcard pricing for various quantities. They print the cards and ship us the lists of names along with the printed packs. We will likely distribute them the same way we did for the fall election using the Chagrin and Orange outposts. If you are interested in working on this activity, please email us to let us know how many cards you can commit to write. Keep in mind that most of the cards will be written between December 1 through December 23. Cards will need to be in the mail by then to arrive in time for the January 5th runoff.

In the News

Time to Stop Pretending

Time to Stop Pretending

Today’s the day none of us thought could happen—but here we are. As we cross the noon hour, Donald Trump, despite being caught (and in many cases convicted) of one crime after another—including staging a violent coup in 2021—has been sworn in as the 47th President of the United States.