Tuesday’s Results Set the Table for November

Sat. Mar 23, 2024 | News

Democratic Party slate now set

The 2024 Democratic slate is now set. Tuesday night’s results cleared the field and resulted in a unified ticket for November. Overall, while there were many races where only one Democrat qualified for the ballot, several competitive campaigns made for a spirited election season. Here are the winners of those races:

Katie O’Neill emerged with 56% of the vote against Oakwood Councilman Chris Callender in the race for State Senate. O’Neill will face off against MAGA favorite Jerry Cirino in the fall. Cirino’s aggressive anti-women and anti-public education stances make him vulnerable in a largely swing District 18—which includes Pepper Pike, Hunting Valley, Moreland Hills, Chagrin Falls and Bentleyville from our club area.

Lisa Forbes, a judge on the 8th District Court of Appeals will be seeking the only open seat on the Ohio Supreme Court this fall as she defeated Judge Terri Jamison in the primary with 63% of the vote statewide.

Carl Mazzone fought back a controversial challenge from Judge Nancy Russo, who attempted to switch seats to allow her to stay on the bench longer than ner current term allows. Mazzone, the endorsed candidate, secured 61% of the vote in decisive fashion. Mazzone is unopposed in the fall and will begin his term on January, 6, 2025.

In a race where no candidate was endorsed, and one of the three, Mollie Ann Murphy, was included in a mailing suggesting that she was endorsed by the Democratic party, Murphy, with 36.74%, snuck past Fallon Marie Radigan (33.41%) and Ray Tarasuck (29.85%). Radigan and Tarasuck were monthly attendees at our club meetings. Murphy has not appeared before our club to date.

In the three-way primary for the Court of Common Pleas general division (12/31/2026), Democratic Party endorsed candidate Kira Krivosh earned 52% of the vote over Fallon Kilbane McNally (26.77%) and Jennifer McTernan (21.22%). Krivosh and McTernan were monthly guests at our club meetings. Kilbane McNally never attended a single club meeting.

Longtime Juvenile Court Judge Alison Nelson Floyd handily defeated her opponent, Joseph O’Malley 69.22% to 30.78%

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley defeated Matthew Ahn 59% to 40.60%. O’Malley will have an opponent this fall, although the Cuyahoga GOP had to fall back on running a write-in candidate as no one filed petitions in the race.

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